[BaseCamp] Basecamp & maps on memory stick

Eric Bray edb4378 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 6 17:39:44 PDT 2016

Explaining the specific scenario you had in mind would make this easier,
because with regard to maps and your data, there are many ways to skin that

>> is there a way to load Basecamp on a memory stick

The short answer is yes.  It is easy to do; you just drag the files from
Basecamp's folder on your computer to a folder on your SD card.  You can
also run the program directly from that memory stick.  You'll have to
figure out how you will access your database or lists though.  You could do
a backup onto that memory card, and then do a restore after running
Basecamp.  I place a backup of my database in Dropbox so that I can
download it from any computer.  You could keep a small number of items in
the Garmin Cloud.

>> is there a way to put the maps themselves on a memory stick

My first response is why?  Basecamp can use the maps off of your GPS.  But,
I suspect there is a way.  Maybe update the maps on one of your GPSs,
select the option to save the maps to your computer as well as the GPS, and
then choose the memory stick as the location on your computer.  The issue
is that Basecamp has to know where to look for the maps and I'm not sure
how that happens.  It goes back to my original question as to what
specifically do you plan on doing.

I keep a copy on the SD card of my GPS in the event that my laptop shits
the bed during a trip or rally.  I can then plug that GPS into any
computer, like the computer in the lobby of a hotel.  I download my
database from Dropbox, start Basecamp, and then do a Restore.  At this
point, Basecamp can use the maps on your GPS and I start building routes
directly onto the GPS.

I also occasionally put backups of maps onto a memory stick using JaVaWa
GMTK in order to move the maps from one computer to another.  GMTK must be
on both computers for that to work.

Eric Bray
Alexandria, VA

On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 6:06 PM, Roy Kjendal <rkjendal at gmail.com> wrote:

> I am wondering if there is a way to load Basecamp and it's required files
> onto a memory stick (as well as the map files themselves).
> Thanks
> Roy
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