
1KPerDay 1kperday at
Mon Dec 3 11:07:22 PST 2007

Sorry if I'm too late on this reply... I have the 'old style' Gerbings
liner and original gloves, where one lead into the jacket also powers
the gloves when they're connected to the plugs at the end of the
sleeves. I was unaware that they'd 'updated' the liner with separate
internal wiring for the gloves until someone posted on the zZR list
that his gloves weren't working when the jacket was plugged in... he
eventually had to buy the dual heattroller to get his gloves and liner
to both work. I can see why they did it but I'd also be pissed if they
didn't mention it. The heattrollers aren't cheap.

You may look at a local source that sells Gerbings stuff... I've found
some leads/convertors at a local BMW bike shop. In any case, I have
personally found no condition where my hands were too hot compared to
my jacket when both were plugged into the same lead. My body always
gets too warm before my hands do.

So you MAY want to get dual thermostats. But I wouldn't consider it a necessity.

I love my Gerbings stuff; it transformed my riding experiences in
fall/winter/spring. I used to run a simple on-off switch, or simply
unplug when I got too warm, and wondered why anyone would want a
heattroller.... then I bought a bike with heattrollers for the
gerbings lead as well as for the heated grips. They RULE.

On 11/29/07, schnowz <schnowz at> wrote:

>  Anyway the thing I want to know from all you Gerberites is :
> Are 2 controllers really necessary or can you balance the heat with one
> controller by layering. I am talking about the classic gloves (not the the
> G3's which I believe don't get as hot). I'm looking for info from guys that
> are NOT running heated grips.
Utah Jeff
'96 SheePz1100

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