carbs, pods and rain

James Keefover jkeefover at
Mon Mar 10 18:15:56 PDT 2008

I think if the air is already more moist, then it would run worse than dry
air at the same temp.  Funny things happen however if the water is
evaporating just before combustion...

My worry is that the wet filter would not flow much air.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry Clair [mailto:darkclarity2k at] 
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2008 8:25 PM
To: Kawasaki GPZ1100 discussion
Subject: Re: carbs, pods and rain

Cool, thanks for the correction.
I wonder if condom would work too?

Steven Bixby <steven at> wrote: I been reading about flying (to be a
'proper' virtual pilot since I
can't afford to do it for real).  This reading includes aviation
weather, although I knew this fact back in high school. :)

Moist air is actually less dense than dry air - water vapor is lighter
than air.  So when it's dry, engines run better than when it's humid.

Ok, I'm done spouting my newfound (or renewed) knowledge, back to pods
and shower caps!

> Remember, moist air is denser which can help the combustion process.
> OK, that's a stretch..... I am all wet around the ears.

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