Flash flash flash

Alexander Finger af at genevainformation.ch
Wed Apr 15 22:00:25 PDT 2015

A french biker was caught 30 times in a single year by a fixed radar in
Brittany. While he was only flashed from the front, he pushed it too far.
The staff in the central "service" center forwarded the 30 stills of the
rider going with up to 200km/h (90km/h being the limit) and doing wheelies
in front of the radar was finally caught by the gendarmerie nationale (and
was stupid enough to confess everything).

Funny remark in the article:

"Menuisier de profession - pas franchement un métier qui pousse à l'excès
de vitesse - le jeune homme n'avait aucune raison valable de multiplier les
infractions au guidon de ses deux puissantes motos."

"The carpenter - a profession not well known for being very speedy - had
not any reason to violate the traffic rules with his two powerful bikes"

So remember - when you piss them off too much they might just wait for you




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