[Sheepranch] List policy change for non-members

Jim Franklin jamesf at groupwbench.org
Sun Nov 1 07:36:14 PST 2020

Hello long lost sheeps,

There has been a significant uptick in the amount of smap hitting the list and I'm tired of manually discarding it (through the web interface). I changed the policy so posts from non-members are automatically discarded. This means that if you post from an email that isn't subscribed or in the aloowed list, it will be automatically discarded. So, if you don't see your post, it's likely because you used an address other than what is listed. If this happens email me and I'll add the new address to the "allowed" list. 

If anyone is in disagreement with this policy, knows how to configure Mailman so that members can self-augment their subscribed email address with alternative addresses that won't also generate duplicate posts to those address, or is just lonely, feel free to speak up.


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