[BaseCamp] Way Point limitations Question

Stephen! ldrider at imagesdesavions.com
Thu Jul 20 07:05:24 PDT 2017

> I have not had this problem with routes I create myself, but I
>always hold the number of way points to under 29.

Not the same GPS but I am certain it is related.  With my 478 (and before that, my 376c) it is not the number of waypoints that causes "Route Truncated" when transferring to the GPS.  It is the total number of turn directions.  When you have the route creatd in BC and look at the "Directions" tab on the route properties, if there are more than 100 lines, it gets trucated when uploading to the 376/478.  This happens if there is one waypoint or fifty.  Once I learned this, I started splitting longer routes to less than 100 turn directions and named them sequentially with the "crossover" waypoint ending one route and starting the next.  No more "Route Truncated" errors for me!

There is no need to tailgate me when I am doing 50 in a 35...  and those flashing lights on top of your car look ridiculous.

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