[BaseCamp] Verify My Sanity (BC Feature Confirmation...)

Stephen! ldrider at imagesdesavions.com
Wed Jul 18 08:03:52 PDT 2018

>In my Montana, the time zone switch does not occur until you cross over
>into the time zone itself. So the two units are often out of sync by an
>hour. Older 376c and 478s do not make time zone adjustments.

Having used either a 376c or a 478 for long distance or rally riding since 2006 (and a GPS II+ before that) I simply convert ALL time restrictions to Rally HQ time before I even start planning.  I run the entire ride based on Rally Time and ignore time zones.  It takes a little more work on the front end during planning but makes the ride a lot easier and less stressful.

There is no need to tailgate me when I am doing 50 in a 35...  and those flashing lights on top of your car look ridiculous.

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