VMD 2020 - looking for someone to split AirBnB w/ me

William K Denton wkdenton at verizon.net
Tue Feb 25 11:39:45 PST 2020

I’m considering an AirBnB rental this year for VMD in July. The all-night
fireworks, dirt bikes and whiskey drinking hooligans routine at the Mid-O
campground is getting old. I’m searching for places that can accommodate 2
people for three nights, checking in Thurs 7/9, out on Sun 7/12. If anyone
is interested in splitting the rent with me, pls contact me at
wkdenton at verizon.net or by cell at 267-9780-7788. 


Looking forward to a big turnout this July. I already bought my 3-day pass
to VMD, YOLO and if I live to be 80 its already ¾ finished, so Like Hauser
said to Quaid in Total Recall (1990), “Get your ass to Mars, I mean VMD!”


William K. Denton

wkdenton at verizon.net

215-428-3981 home/office

267-980-7788 cell


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